Monday, October 5, 2015

[종료] 풋데인들을 위한 점핑 라바 대회

점핑 라바 대회


우승: 훈카팩 1개 (29,800원)

준우승: 타우린팩 1개 (19,800원)

3위: 정폭 5개

4위: 정폭 3개

5위: 정폭 1개

 안녕하세요. 풋볼데이 유져 여러분.

온갖 주작과 키퍼맘에 고생들이 많으십니다.

저는 이번에 '점핑 라바'라는 게임을 출시 한 인디 게임 개발자입니다. 

여러분과 같은 풋데인이기도 하고요. 로마와 밀란 장인을 하고 있습니다.

참 요즘 행복하게 살기 힘든 세상입니다.

거대 회사들이 장악하고 있는 게임 업계에서 꿈을 키우며 발버둥치는 저도 참 힘이 드네요.

그래서 풋데인들의 도움을 구하고자 소소한 이벤트성 대회를 개최하게 되었습니다.

어떤 대회인가요?

간단합니다. 제가 개발한 게임 '점핑 라바'를 다운받으시고 게임을 하시면 됩니다.

무료 게임이고요. 애플, 안드로이드 모두 출시가 되어 있습니다.

 스토어에서 '점핑 라바'로 검색 하시면 저 꼭대기에 있는 노란색 아이콘이 나올겁니다.

점핑 라바는 어떤 게임인가요?

누구나 쉽게 접할 수 있고 시간 때울 때 하기 좋은 아케이드 게임입니다.

대상은 누구인가요?

풋데에 감독명이 검색되는 모든 분들입니다.

순위는 어떻게 매겨지나요?

애플 사용자 분들은 게임 센터, 안드로이드 사용자 분들은 구글 플레이 계정이 다들  있으실텐데요. 

게임할 때 그 계정들로 로그인을 하시면 게임 내 리더보드에 점수 기록이 남죠?

그 점수로 등수를 매기도록 하겠습니다. 양쪽 각자가 아닌 통합입니다.

해킹으로 점수 조작을 하면 대상에서 제외됩니다.

누가 누구인지 어찌 구분하나요? 
여기가 중요합니다. 이 부분을 고민을 많이 했었는데요. 

본인들이 가지고 계신 게임 센터, 구글 플레이 계정의 닉네임에 'fd감독명'을 넣어주시면 되겠습니다. 

예를 들어서 제 감독명이 밀라요 인데요.

구글 플레이 닉네임이 돌돌이라고 하면 '돌돌이fd밀라요' 이런식이 되겠죠?

본인 원래 닉 없이 'fd밀라요' 이렇게만 하셔도 상관없습니다.

이렇게 구분하기가 힘든 닉은 대상에서 제외가 될 것입니다.

기간은 언제까지인가요?

이 글이 포스팅 되는 시점에서부터

이번 주 리그가 끝나는 10월 10일 오후 12까지로 하겠습니다.

오후 12시에 칼 같이 집계를 해서 새 리그가 시작되기 전까지 상품을 발송 하겠습니다.

기타 궁금한 점은 '밀라요' 방명록이나 이 글에 댓글로 문의해 주시면 답변 드리겠습니다.

많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 도와주십쇼.

***많은 분들이 문의 하시는 안드로이드 기기 이름 바꾸는 법

플레이 스토어 -> 검색창 왼쪽 세줄 클릭 -> 프로필 사진 클릭 -> 프로필 보기 클릭 ->

오른쪽 점 세개 클릭 -> 구글+ 프로필 수정 클릭 -> 오른쪽 상단 점 세개 클릭 -> 이름 수정

***아이폰 게임 센터 이름 바꾸는 법

세팅 -> 게임 센터 -> 게임 센터 프로필 -> 이름 수정

앱스토어 링크:
구글 플레이 링크:

풋데인 '점핑 라바' 대회에 참여해 주신 많은 분들 깊은 감사를 드립니다.
보잘 것 없는 이벤트에 많은 관심 가져주셔서 큰 도움이 되었습니다.
 다음 번엔 더 좋은 게임과 더 풍성한 상품으로 다시 찾아뵙겠습니다~~

 스크린샷 2015-10-05 5.32.30 PM.png 풋데인들을 위한 \'점핑 라바\' 대회 [훈카팩 상품] 풋데인 \'점핑 라바\' 대회 풋데인 \'점핑 라바\' 대회 중간 순위 집계 [대회 결산] 풋데인 \'점핑 라바\' 대회

icon200.png 풋데인들을 위한 \'점핑 라바\' 대회 [훈카팩 상품] 풋데인 \'점핑 라바\' 대회 풋데인 \'점핑 라바\' 대회 중간 순위 집계 [대회 결산] 풋데인 \'점핑 라바\' 대회 

점핑 라바 대회

 최종 결과

우승: VbV님 4,968점 - 훈카팩

준우승: 이트레님 4,376점 - 타우린팩

3위:  괴수갓루니님 3,738점 - 정폭 5개

4위: 쿠우a님 3,686점 - 정폭 3개

5위: 영진박님 3,218점 - 정폭 1개

입상하신 모든 분들 축하드립니다~

모든 상품 증정 완료 했습니다~ 정말 감사드립니다~

Monday, September 7, 2015

Jumping Larva

Draw! Bounce! and Jump!

Download for Free!

Draw a line to make Larva bounce on it.

A once peaceful forest has been set on a blaze!
Larva that was taking a nap is in danger..
Protect Larva from the forest fire!
There is only one way to escape…to jump, jump, and jump!
Avoid all the obstacles and other hindering creatures in order to get Larva to a higher ground!

- The funniest Larva game.

- Draw a line to make Larva jump.

- You can control Larva’s jumping direction and power with angle and length of the line.

- You will spend HP when you draw the line.

- You can recover HP by eating golden leaves.

- Acquire recovery bonus by eating a whole set of leaves.

- Watch out for hindering creatures such as chestnut burrs, acorns, and birds.

- Use the booster flower to go up more faster and easily without any damage.

- Water bubbles and spider web can cause slight blockage while the Larva is going up.

- You can make the Larva go up much easier by using items such as “Super Larva”, “Butterfly”, and “Pills”.

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FLUKU Youtube Channel:

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Friday, July 3, 2015

A'mollang - Motley Birds

Forget about Flappy Bird!

Download for Free!

Here is the new type of bird game.

Tap & Swipe to avoid the obstacles, then Fly!!!

It's Fun, Addictive, and Hard. Everyone can play this game, but not anyone can get over 300 scores.

Collect the A'mollang. You can pick various kinds of birds with it.


- Fun and Addictive Game

- Easy Controls: Tap and Swipe

- 90% Real Bird Sounds

- Collect All birds including Special Ones

- Enjoy with Your Family

FLUKU Facebook Page:

FLUKU Youtube Channel:

FLUKU Twitter:

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Term of Use of FLUKU Game Studio

Term of Use

FLUKU Game Studio hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, limited  license to install and to use one copy of the software for your personal, non-commercial use on a single device. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or prepare derivative works based on or otherwise modify the software, in whole or in part. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by FLUKU Game Studio.
The software is provided “as is” without any warranties or representations. In no event shall FLUKU Game Studio, including its affiliates or partners be liable for any damages except where required by mandatory applicable law.

© 2015 FLUKU Game Studio.

Privacy Policy of FLUKU Game Studio

Privacy Policy

At FLUKU Game Studio, we treasure your suggestions and feedback.
Our Privacy Policy is drawn up to help you to understand how we collect, use and disclose your information that we have gathered from you.

All FLUKU Services are regulated by this Privacy Policy and by using or accessing a Service you agree to the processing, using and disclosing of your data. Please do not install or use the Services if you do not agree with our Privacy Policy.

What do we collect from you?

1. Information you provide

FLUKU may receive and store any *Personal Information, *Financial Information, and/or *Non-Personal Information that you provide to us when you interact with FLUKU Services. Some of the features and/or functionality of FLUKU Services may be unavailable if you don’t agree to share certain information. FLUKU may use the information you provide to communicate with you and to improve FLUKU Services.

*Personal Information - Particular identifiable information about an individual or entity which may be used to identify, contact or locate it.

*Financial Information - Information relating to billing and payments provided by you. Financial Information is collected only for billing and payments purposes and will be protected and administered by FLUKU and/or our authorized third party partners.

*Non-Personal Information - Information that, by itself, does not identify a particular individual or entity (e.g., demographic information, usage data or downloads).

Email Communications. FLUKU may use your Personal Information to send you newsletters and emails related to promotions and/or events. You can opt out of receiving our emails by following the instructions. Once FLUKU has processed your opt-out request, FLUKU will not send you further promotional emails unless you later opt back in. Whether you opt out of receiving promotional emails or not, FLUKU reserves the right to email you with respect to important information, notices, or changes relating to FLUKU Services.

Push Notifications. FLUKU will send you push notifications when using FLUKU’s mobile games for alerts to information that may be important to you. If you no longer wish to receive these types of communications, you may opt out from receiving it by turning it off at your device level through the settings of the device.

Other Information. You may provide other Personal and Non-Personal information whenever you interact with FLUKU Services, including, without limitation, when you search FLUKU Services, participate in a contest, survey or questionnaire, place an order, or communicate with FLUKU by email.

2. Information collected automatically

FLUKU may receive and store certain Personal Information and Non-Personal Information whenever you interact with FLUKU. While you are able to visit FLUKU Services and remain anonymous, FLUKU and/or FLUKU's third-party service providers may still collect Non-Personal Information through technological means.

Cookies are small pieces of information that is stored on your device's hard drive which works by assigning to your device a unique number that has no meaning outside of FLUKU Services. Cookies do not generally contain any Personal Information. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually configure your browser to prevent it. However, because cookies enable you to take advantage of some of the features of FLUKU Services, FLUKU recommends that you leave them turned on or you may not have access or use of such features. The use of cookies by third-parties are not covered by FLUKU's Privacy Policy. FLUKU does not have access to or control over this information.

Device Information. 
When you download and use FLUKU Services, FLUKU automatically collects information on the type of device you use, operating system, application version, and the persistent Device ID. You agree to FLUKU collecting this information.

FLUKU may use software tools to measure and collect information about your use of FLUKU Services, including, without limitation, page response times, upload and file transfer errors, interaction information, features use, purchase tracking and order fulfillment and methods. Sometimes, you will have a choice whether or not to provide information, but if you fail to provide certain information it could impact some features and/or functionalities of FLUKU Services.

Information from Other Sources. 
FLUKU may receive information about you from FLUKU's third-party service providers, or other sources such as purchase or redemption information, FLUKU Services usage, payment information, reporting information, page-view information, technical, fulfillment, advertising, search information and credit history information.

Mobile Analytics. 
FLUKU uses mobile analytics software to better understand the functionality of its Mobile Software on your phone. This software may record information such as how often you use the application, the events that occur within the application, aggregated usage, performance data, and where the application was downloaded from. FLUKU does not link the information stored within the analytics software to any personal information you submit to the application.

How do we use your information?

FLUKU will not sell, trade, and disclose any of your Personal Information to third-parties without your permission. Parents have the right to consent to collection and use of personal information from their child without also consenting to its disclosure to third-parties, as FLUKU does not share information that may be collected from your child. FLUKU uses Personal, Non-Personal and Financial Information, among other things, to monitor system performance, analyze internal business systems, improve FLUKU Services, fulfill requests for additional products and services, contact you about promotional and marketing activities, provide customer support, and conduct research. The use and protection of information is an important component of FLUKU's business.

The security of your Personal Information is very important to FLUKU. FLUKU observes generally accepted industry standards to protect your Personal Information. There is no 100% secure method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage. Therefore, FLUKU cannot guarantee its absolute security. While no security system is completely secure, FLUKU and its third-party partners take proper security measures to protect against unauthorized access or disclosure of the information collected by FLUKU. For FLUKU, this includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that all Personal and Financial Information is disclosed only on a "need to know" basis and ensuring that all Personal Information collected by FLUKU is done so via secured connections and protected and encrypted by industrial grade security software to guard against unauthorized access.

FLUKU may use ads and ad-relating features in FLUKU Services. Such ads and ad-relating features may contain cookies that recognize your device each time you receive an online ad. This allows ad servers to compile information about your viewing and interaction with their ad and deliver targeted ads that they believe will be of most interest to you. This Privacy Policy does not cover the use of cookies by any advertisers, and FLUKU encourages you to check the applicable advertiser's website for their privacy policy.

FLUKU has third-party ads in free versions of its mobile applications and, provided that you are age 13 or older, FLUKU collects your Device ID and may pass it to advertisers to enable certain advertising. FLUKU does not store or otherwise save your Device ID.

Social Media. 
FLUKU Services may include integrated social media features and tools, such as the Facebook "Like" button, the YouTube "Share This" button, and interactive mini-programs that run in FLUKU Services. Social media features and tools are either hosted by a third-party or hosted directly on FLUKU Services. Your interactions with these integrated social media features and tools are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it.

Policy Updates

This Policy may change from time to time. The most current version of our Privacy Policy can be found at

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us at:

Privacy policy last updated April 2015